The Artist

The creative process is for me a solitary journey, an inner monologue, a flight, a fall but with a rising surely after.

Although i'm self-taught, i approach my color tubes, brushes,every tool and material around me, uninhibited. The blank canvas is the only "place" where i feel complete, absolute freedom. Rarely do i begin with a plan -which i often abandon- because i like surprises. Every single work of mine is a mirror of my thoughts and feelings eager to be expressed and shared - like a bouquet of wild flowers - with you, who have the curiosity to look at it

The Artwork

My art goes in so many directions and expresses itself in so many distinct styles as i try to not allow anything to limit my creativity.

The artwork is achieved using diverse media such as acrylics, ink, wax crayons, markers, gesso and various tools like brushes, palette knives, wood sticks, forks, straws, brayers and many others.